News & Stories

June 14, 2021 News

Coming Soon: CVA - Judicatory Version

Hard to believe it’s only been nine months since we launched Congregational Vitality Assessment (CVA 1.0) in collaboration with FaithX. We have come a very long way in a very short time and soon will release CVA 2.0 and launch the new CVA Judicatory Version.

CVA 2.0 (the congregational version) will feature a totally redesigned user interface, based on user input, for a much-enhanced user experience, including a new Spanish-language version.

What’s in the CVA Judicatory Version?

We created the CVA-JV in response to requests and design input from several judicatories (dioceses, synods, districts) across the U.S. that wanted to incorporate into the systemwide congregational development processes. It will provide them with a judicatory-specific dashboard that will allow them to:

  • Directly coordinate the administration of the CVA to their congregations.
  • Receive anonymized diagnostic summary assessments of their congregations’ vitality and sustainability.
  • Monitor congregational vitality and sustainability on a year-to-year basis.
  • Add locally relevant questions about congregations’ ministries, programs, and other important information.
  • Supplement the backward-looking parochial reporting data with real-time, forward-looking diagnostic data and recommendations that their congregations can use to improve their own vitality and sustainability.

How can we access the CVA Judicatory Version?

The CVA-Judicatory Version will be made available on a subscription basis. Included in the subscription will be free annual updates reflecting new congregational vitality research and incorporating user feedback and suggestions.

How much will it cost to subscribe?

Once released, the annual cost of a subscription to the CVA-JV will be $2,495, with a first-year set-up fee of $2,500 (to cover customized programming).

Is there a discount for early adopters?

We are offering a $1,000 setup early adopter discountto judicatories that sign up for subscriptions before our July launch date.

Have any judicatories signed up yet?

We are happy to announce that the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma is our first early adopter. Currently, we are in discussions with several other Episcopal dioceses and ELCA synods. Watch the FaithX blog for updates.

Click here to request more information about our early adopter discount.

News Strategy & Assessment