Congregational Vitality Assessment

The Congregational Vitality Assessment (CVA) tool is designed to provide congregations with an assessment of their Vitality (how healthy they are) and their Sustainability (whether they have the people, financial, and contextual resources necessary to survive).

The Congregational Vitality Assessment tool is groundbreaking and no other vitality assessment tool to date is as thoroughly grounded in research and data.

The CVA is made available free to congregations of all denominations and religions by a partnership between The FaithX Project and the Episcopal Church Foundation. Denominational governing bodies (judicatories, diocese, synods, etc.) may purchase a subscription to a customized Judicatory Version and add additional questions specific to their congregations.

Since the Congregational Vitality Assessment is based on self-reporting, its diagnosis will only be as accurate as the answers you provide. You can help your congregation get the most helpful results by answering as honestly and objectively as possible. When an individual or team has completed the CVA on behalf of their congregation, the answers are scored, and the individual or team leader then receives summary scores of each of the ten vitality areas, for internal and external sustainability, as well as suggestions of ways to improve in each of the areas.

Access the CVA tool.