Planned Giving on Demand

Planned giving is vital to any faith community. Not only because it can ensure the future, but also because it gives people the opportunity to make a final testament about the importance of their Christian faith.

ECF can help you establish, enhance, and sustain an effective planned giving program. In addition to the web-based and print resources listed below, ECF's planned giving services also include life income gift administration and on- and off-site consultation. For more information, you can contact Carsten Sierck, Director of Endowment Management, by email or call 800-697-2858.

Please sign up to be a Planned Giving Shepherd here. By becoming a Planned Giving Shepherd you join ECF’s new national network of planned giving leaders in parishes and Episcopal institutions across the Episcopal Church! Planned Giving Shepherds will be invited to special private and interactive webinars, as well as be invited to join a new LinkedIn group where you can post questions, share ideas and connect directly with other leaders in your area and throughout the Episcopal Church.


Planned Giving on Demand Program Guide A step by step guide to implementing planned giving in your congregation, including 5 phases of launching, and sustaining, a successful planned giving program (includes sample timelines). Resources are hyper-linked throughout the document for easy-access.

Funding Future Ministry
Link to all the resources related to this comprehensive manual which provides clergy and lay leaders with the most effective ways to encourage planned gifts, all set in a theological framework. To purchase a print copy, contact Forward Movement. For the e-book version for your Kindle or other device, please visit Amazon. A table of contents and a sample chapter, Caring for Givers, can be downloaded.

Starting a Planned Giving Program from Scratch
Quick start article by Jim Murphy, ECF Managing Program Director.

Planned Giving Brochures & Booklets
ECF's series of planned giving brochures present the basics of planned giving, the how and why, as well as the different kinds of gifts that are possible. All are available for free download, or can be purchased through Forward Movement. ECF's planned giving booklets explain in depth how planned gifts work, and provide instructions and application forms to make a charitable gift or bequest.

Webinar Recordings
A number of previous web conference videos are available for viewing on ECF Vital Practices.

ECF offers a wide range of web conferences designed to help congregations develop their leadership and financial resources. There is no cost to participate and all lay and clergy leaders are welcome. Some upcoming topics include vestry leadership, endowment structure, basics of planned giving, and many others. You can review a list of upcoming web conferences and register here.

ECF Planned Giving Website
ECF's Planned Giving Website for potential donors and planned giving leaders includes descriptions of planned gifts, the ability to run life income gift illustrations, news, and much more.

ECF Vital Practices
ECF Vital Practices is a web-based resource for Episcopal leaders that includes articles by experts and peers, a blog for sharing ideas and experiences, stories about congregational issues, and practical tools and resources. The website contains helpful information about stewardship and planned giving. There is also a searchable database for annual stewardship and annual giving.

We also need your help -- we would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to tell us what you think about Planned Giving on Demand by participating in this online survey. Your feedback will help us understand what we're doing right, but also how we can do an even better job of helping you with your planned giving program. Thank you!