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May 15, 2024 News

ECF Co-Sponsors the Third Young Clergy Gathering featuring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

ECF Co-Sponsors the Third Young Clergy Gathering featuring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) co-sponsored the Third Young Clergy Gathering which convened in New York City May 9-10, 2024 at St. Bart's, New York and Trinity Wall Street. Featured speakers included The Right Reverend Robert Wright, Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, The Right Reverend Jennifer Baskerville Burroughs, Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis and The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.

What began three years ago as an informal conversation between ECF President Donald Romanik and The Reverend Landon Moore – then a young priest-in-charge at a Brooklyn parish, has now emerged as a premiere event, which attracted 75 Episcopal Clergy aged 40 and under from the Tri-State area and as far away as San Diego, CA. Romanik, whose son is an Episcopal priest, discerned the need for a forum where young Episcopal clergy could interact and engage in conversation about the distinct challenges and opportunities they face in carrying out their call in the Church and in the world. Reverend Moore, who now serves as Vicar for Vocations for Long Island Diocese, joined forces with The Reverend Peter Thompson, Vicar at St. Bart’s New York, and a growing team of young clergy collaborators to craft an event that has developed from a few young New York City clergy gathered around a table, to a two-day forum and intergenerational dialogue between young clergy from around the nation and seasoned clergy and Bishops from the region and the wider church.

Other leading sponsors for the event included The Church Pension Group (CPG) represented by CEO and President Mary Kate Wold, St. Bart’s New York, Trinity Church Wall Street, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, Virginia Theological Seminary, General Theological Seminary, Christian Kitchens and The Gathering of Leaders.

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