News & Stories

February 8, 2023 News

February 2023 Vestry Papers: What do you hope the Episcopal Church will look like in 2050?

Dear Friends,

This month, we continue to ask – what is your radical dream for our church and communities in the future? Our offerings paint a future that can be hopeful, diverse and vibrant if we are open to change and new ways of being, and continue to be led by God’s transformational and holy vision for us.

In this video, Rock the Future for Jesus, the ever-inspiring Stephanie Spellers talks about celebrating and protecting all kinds of bodies, moving beyond buildings while focusing on making homes holy, and building a church that is humble, curious and full of love.

What does a Church being born again in the digital age look like? In The Future Begins Today, Catherine Caimano shares three ways she sees our church shifting, changing and growing in innovative and sustainable ways.

In Discipleship or Bust: The Church in 2050, Scott Gunn predicts disciple-making will be at the heart of a church that is vibrant and growing in the years to come. This article is available in English and Spanish.

Instead of asking if the Church has a future, Ken Howard suggests we ask, Does the Future Have a Church? In his visionary piece, he lists four conditions that will be essential for congregations who seek not merely to survive, but to thrive in the years to come.

ECF’s Endowment Management program is celebrating 25 years! Since the program’s founding in 1998, hundreds of Episcopal organizations have invested and grown endowment funds for mission and ministry. As we look forward to the next 25 years, we hope you join our Community of Episcopal Investors. Click here to watch a video on ECF’s Endowment Management Program.

To learn more about ECF and our vision, please visit our website.


Charis Bhagianathan
Editor, ECF Vital Practices

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